Litigation & Arbitration

Corporate Finance

Opinions as party appointed or independent expert for legal disputes

In legal disputes, there is often a lack of clarity regarding economic and financial data, or opinions on the subject differ. BDO supports your argumentation through expert opinions and appraisals. We explore the relevant technical questions and establish the amount of damages or valuations.

Our experts look forward to advising you in the following situations:

  • Expert opinions for court or arbitration proceedings
    (appointed by one of the parties or as an independent expert)
  • Expert determinations
  • Special audits
  • Financial opinions and quantum calculations in connection with insurance claims
  • Fair value reports or reviews and fairness opinions

We typically support clients with questions in areas such as:

  • Accounting, auditing and financial reporting
  • Overindebtedness and insolvency (date of insolvency, amount, continuation damages in case of delayed bankruptcy proceedings)
  • Purchase price adjustments post M&A transactions (net working capital, net debt, EBITDA)
  • Earn-out calculation and its financial basis
  • Valuation and review of valuations (companies and assets)
  • Quantum calculation for damage calculations, additional operating expenses and loss of margin due to business interruptions, etc.
  • “What if” scenarios for company valuations, including impact of events on profitability and liquidity
  • Interpretation from a business perspective of contractual provisions
  • Critical assessment of argumentation and counterparty opinions

Besides providing expert opinions, we support you in preparing data and documents for use in court. We also investigate white-collar crime such as embezzlement, fraud and similar suspected offences.

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