Forensic Services

Your efficient and discreet partner for crisis prevention and management

Organisations that monitor risks effectively and respond rapidly are better at solving potentially damaging situations successfully. In turn, they reduce the risk of adverse financial, reputational or operational impacts on their business. 

We guide our clients in the prevention and detection of white-collar crime and misconduct. Our experienced, multidisciplinary team can support you in areas such as:

  • Internal investigations and forensic accounting
  • eDiscovery including data collection, data processing and data analysis 
  • Risk assessment and implementation of anti-fraud and anti-corruption measures
  • Third-party due diligence and investigative research
  • International sanctions screening
  • Whistleblowing management systems and reporting channels
  • Internal training and workshops on the above topics

Forensic Services

Our experts can support you in assessing your fraud and corruption risks, and recommend relevant preventive measures against harmful activities. We can also assist you with implementation of those measures, review your internal controls and identify potential weaknesses. This enables your organisation to identify risks at an early stage and prevent damaging events. Should a compliance incident occur, we guide our clients through the crisis by helping with the fact finding, reporting and documentation, as well as the communication with the relevant authorities and the public. We also support organisations and their legal advisors in qualifying and quantifying damages.

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Image Article Unveiling the Art of Investigative due diligence

Unveiling the Art of Investigative Due Diligence

Navigating Risks with Precision
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Key contacts

Stefan Kühn

Stefan Kühn

Head of Regional Management Zurich & Eastern Switzerland, Member of the Executive Committee, Zurich - Partner
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Kaisa Karvonen

Kaisa Karvonen

Head of Forensic Services, Zurich
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