Company pension schemes

Company pension schemes

The second pillar of the Swiss social security system is in a state of constant flux, with the implementation of developments on the legal front proving a challenge to both boards of trustees and senior management. Falling conversion rates, reduced investment income and increased expectations of transparency sum up the demands being made on the pensions sector today.

Auditing company pension schemes and advising on them are among our core competencies. BDO has auditors and consultants qualified in the area of occupational pensions. These specialists form part of a Swiss service group that ensures that experiences are exchanged on a nationwide scale and knowledge is continuously updated.

Our services:

  • Auditing of annual financial statements drawn up in accordance with Swiss GAAP ARR 26
  • Consulting on (partial) liquidations
  • Actuarial administration
  • Accounting and controlling
  • Securities administration
  • Property administration and valuation
  • Administration and savings bank software
  • Value-added-tax advice
  • Staging of information events

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