Company valuations and modelling

Corporate Finance

Company valuations are often needed in difficult or hectic circumstances. And the reasons are varied: takeovers, mergers, third-party bids, shareholder disputes, a potential sale, arbitration or financial reporting.

How valuations add value

Company valuations should be transparent and unambiguous. They’re not just about the figures either. A meaningful company valuation considers and incorporates all relevant technical, legal and corporate information. Benefit from BDO’s proven track record in company valuations.

We support you in particular with:

  • Purchase or sale of corporate groups, individual entities or business units
  • Valuation of intangible assets such as software or licenses
  • Fairness opinions on public purchase or exchange offers
  • Minimum price calculations for public purchase or exchange offers
  • Mergers, divisions or other restructuring of enterprises
  • Succession arrangements within or outside the family
  • Inheritance disputes
  • Entry or withdrawal of shareholders
  • Valuations in connection with various accounting standards for annual and interim financial statements
  • Purchase price allocation
  • Impairment testing
  • Arbitration reports

In addition, we deal with special topics such as minority discounts, majority surcharges or lack of liquidity.

Modelling services

A comprehensive, well planned and built financial model is an essential tool for any business. We have extensive experience of building financial models for business planning as well as transactions. We design our models to be easy to handle, flexible and tailored to your needs. They will give you the confidence that you are making informed decisions and that you fully understand their impact.

The focus of the types of financial modellings are:

Operating models

  • Focus on revenue and costs build up
  • Consolidation of many business units
  • Focus on drivers, unit economics, internal value creation
  • Using for Financial planning & analysis or risk management etc.

LBO models

  • Detail around debt and capital structure modelling
  • Focus on covenant modelling for lenders
  • Complex structures for rate of return analysis by investor type

M&A models

  • High degree of detail around the Pro Forma model
  • Analysis of synergies, revenue enhancements, cost structures
  • Integration considerations
  • Focus one the strategic impact of combining the businesses
  • Accretion / Dilution analysis, Share price impact etc.

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