Patrick Deicher

Patrick Deicher

Consultant Public Administrations, Head of NPO Region Central Switzerland, Lucerne

Healthcare | NPO/NGO

Executive summary

­Patrick Deicher is a consultant for public administrations and non-profit organizations. He is Head of Non-Profit Organizations Central Switzerland and is responsible for the further development of BDO Switzerland's internal customer relationship management system. Throughout Switzerland, he is primarily responsible for projects on organization, municipal management and authority organization, NPO governance and municipal mergers as well as inter-municipal cooperation.

Patrick Deicher studied history and political science at the Universities of Bern and Bonn (M.A. in History), non-profit management at the FHNW in Basel (MAS NPO Management), municipal finance at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and digital administration at the ZHAW (CAS Digital Administration). He worked in museums for 20 years, most recently as a museum director. He has been with BDO since 2009 and has experience in consulting projects with public administration institutions (all levels of government) and the non-profit sector. 

In addition to his professional activities, Patrick Deicher is also involved in voluntary work: he is a former member of the Lucerne City Parliament and the Lucerne Naturalization Commission. He also managed the Foundation Luzern hilft. He is currently involved as President of the Bourbaki Panorama Lucerne Foundation, as a member of the regional civil protection commission of the cities of Lucerne and Kriens and the municipality of Horw, and on the Advisory Board of the International Panorama Council.