

Our tax experts provide advice on all tax questions affecting natural persons, the self-employed and freelance individuals. Besides exploring tax considerations, we shine the spotlight on social security aspects in order to deliver the most appropriate overall outcomes.

We develop long-term solutions that add value and also protect you from tax risks. BDO’s global network of tax specialists is on hand to support you with any international tax questions.

Services at a glance:

  • Tax planning, taking into account national, international and pension aspects
  • Restructuring of partnerships
  • Planning and support with business succession 
  • Negotiations with tax authorities
  • Representation before all tax authorities and courts
  • Advice on inheritance and gift tax
  • Advice on property gains tax
  • Advice when moving to or departing from Switzerland
  • Compilation of tax returns and review of tax assessment notices

Contact us

Key contacts

Luis Annoni

Luis Annoni

Tax and Legal, Lausanne & Delémont - Partner
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