SMEs – both dominant and inconspicuous

From their sheer numbers alone, SMEs are dominant in Switzerland with more than 99 % of the approximately 330,000 companies in Switzerland employing fewer than 250 employees. Two thirds of all jobs are in this category. But in terms of public perception, they are inconspicuous. The business press focuses almost exclusively on public companies, and business representatives in politics mainly originate from the larger companies. SMEs are often family-run. In small companies the company owner will mainly take care of operational activities, while those in medium-sized enterprises are increasingly responsible for management functions. Small and medium-sized companies need an interlocuter who understands their problems, is local and commited to simple, understandable solutions.

At BDO SMEs are dominant. A major proportion of our clients come from this segment. We consider ourselves bound to devote all our efforts to our clients' concerns. We accomplish this by providing comprehensive advice and carefully following political developments. We take an active part in consultations and intervene directly with political bodies. In relation to the current corporate tax reform, for example, we are committed to reasonable taxation, tax competition and regulation that is fair to SMEs.

SMEs alone do not form the basis of our economy but they are a key component. Symbiosis between SMEs and major companies with good, highly competitive market conditions and excellent location quality are of crucial importance for a prosperous and growing economy.

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Key contacts

Hans-Jürg Spreiter

Hans-Jürg Spreiter

Head of Business Solutions Zurich & Eastern Switzerland, Member of the Regional Management Zurich & Eastern Switzerland, Wetzikon & Zurich - Partner