Apotheke zum Ritter AG is acquired by Pharmacies BENU SA.

Nom du clientApotheke zum Ritter AG

The BDO team in Aarau supported Apotheke zum Ritter AG as lead advisor throughout the succession process during the takeover by Pharmacies BENU SA. As part of this succession process, BDO conducted a company valuation as well as the market approach, accompanied the negotiations and drafted the purchase agreements. A versatile team with experts from the fields of finance, tax and law was assembled for the project.

«I would like to thank the BDO team for the excellent support and guidance during the acquisition process. Everything was handled to my complete satisfaction and BDO's consultants were able to react dynamically and competently to process changes and incorporate them into the project without delay. I felt well advised throughout and appreciate the quality and professionalism of the team.»

Sylvia Rudolf (former owner, Apotheke zum Ritter AG)

Contact our experts for further information on the deal.